The MPU-401 MIDI interface set the standard for how MIDI devices communicated on the PC. The MPU-401 was an external interface box with its own CPU and memory, attached via a custom cable to an ISA card to the PC. Other interface cards were available for hooking it up to other PC’s including the Commodore 64.
The original MPU-401 supported two modes: Intelligent mode and UART mode.
The Sound Blaster 16 (and most cards since) shipped with an MPU-401 compatible MIDI interface on the game-port. That said, it was only compatible with UART mode. So to be specific, it’s the MPU-401 UART mode that is the standard for PC MIDI.
Intelligent mode let the box do things like run generate a click-track (metronome) by sending a simple command, among other things. In practice though, 99% of software utilized UART mode, which literally broadcasts/listen to raw MIDI data sent out the port.
Programming the MPU-401
The MPU-401 uses two 8-bit registers to read/write its data.
- MPU-401 Data Register0x331
- MPU-401 Command/Status Register (always Data Register’s address + 1)
The default address of the MPU-401’s registers is 0x330
, but you can expect to find an MPU-401 anywhere from 0x300
to 0x390
(in increments of 0x10
To set an MPU-401 in to UART mode, do write 0x3F
to the Command register.
M-Audio MidiSport 2x2
This is a USB MIDI device I own. I keep forgetting, but unlike other (cheaper) USB-MIDI devices, this device actually has no firmware. The firmware needs to be uploaded to the device on power-on. THIS is why you need drivers to use it.
On Windows it’s easy, just download the MIDISport from M-Audio.
On Linux, install the firmware package.
sudo apt install midisport-firmware
# also useful so we can do stuff with MIDI (includes `aplaymidi`, `amidi`, etc)
sudo apt install alsa-utils
Now next time you plug in the device and do a aplaymidi -l
, you should see the two ports available to you.
aplaymidi -l
# Port Client name Port name
# 14:0 Midi Through Midi Through Port-0
# 20:0 MidiSport 2x2 MidiSport 2x2 MIDI 1
# 20:1 MidiSport 2x2 MidiSport 2x2 MIDI 2
aplaymidi canyon.mid --port 20:0
Sometimes Midi Audio get stuck and you need to send a panic to the MIDI device. This and many other bulk midi operations (SYSEX dump) can be done with the amidi
aplaymidi onestop.mid --port 20:0
# Oops! Notes got stuck. Lets find out our amidi port
amidi -l
# Dir Device Name
# IO hw:1,0,0 MidiSport 2x2 MIDI 1
# IO hw:1,0,1 MidiSport 2x2 MIDI 2
# Kil all that noise by sending a GM Reset Sysex message (F0 7E 7F 09 01 F7)
sudo amidi -S "f07e7f0901f7" -p hw:1,0,0
Low Latency Linux Kernel Mode
This guide is useful.
By default, Ubuntu ships with a kernel that cannot be interrupted (pre-empted). This could potentially cause audio hiccups. If you check uname -a
and don’t see a PREEMPT
, then you’re not running a pre-emptable kernel.
In addition, doing a grep ^CONFIG_HZ /boot/config-`uname -r`
will tell you the current time tick rate. Ideally for audio you want 1000
, not 250
as the defaults may be set to.
To switch kernerls, install the lowlatency package.
sudo apt install linux-lowlatency
After you reboot, you’ll have a much more responsive Linux.