It’s 2016, and that means security… even if it’s just sandboxing.
Modern web browsers implement a protocol called CORS, i.e. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. This is a fancy protocol that gives a web browser hints that a transaction should be allowed or not. It was a few years ago that for the sake of security, browsers switched from trusting every request to trusting no request. For the sake of compatibility, some requests are still honoured (HEAD, GET, POST with specific content-types), but some of the most useful ones are not.
Combined with Fetch, the modern/correct way to fetch data from the internet in current browsers (previously XmlHttpRequest), this can messy. But hey, it’s for the greater good… I guess.
Fetch, Promises and Lambda Arrow Functions
JavaScript’s new Fetch method is the recommended way to handle what we used to call “XHR” requests (i.e. getting data by URL) for any new code that’s written. It’s supported by all the major current browsers, and can be polyfilled for backwards compatibility.
The old way (“XHR”) was inelegant, and poorly named (XML HTTP Request). Fetch has a much improved syntax.
Fetch relies on another modern JavaScript feature: Promises. Promises let you wire up code that can be run asynchronously immediately after (in this case) the Fetch completes, be it a success or failure. As with Fetch, this can be introduced in older browsers with a Polyfill.
Furthermore, Promises benefit from another modern JavaScript feature: Lambda Functions or Arrow Functions as they’re sometimes called. In essense, this a new syntax for creating functions in JavaScript. Unlike Fetch and Promises, Lambda Functions cannot be added to JavaScript with a Polyfill. They require a modern JavaScript compiler (or transpiler) to add them in a compatible way.
Or any combination of the above.
And these can be further enhanced with some new features.
Rest parameters (i.e. “the rest of”), which let you write varadic functions.
As well as Destructuring, a new syntax that lets you expand or extract data from arrays.
And at the time of this writing, Rest Destructuring is starting to pop up as a feature (currently unsupported in Buble, without a patch… a patch that exists, and is one click away from being merged in, tee hee).
Legacy Fetch Support
We can do a number of things without worring about Preflights or Cookies, but we still need a CORS header (Access-Control-Allow-Origin). These also work if the origin (protocol+domain) is the same, but CORS is the whole mess when origins (protocol+domain) differ.
You can also do HTTP POST, but when we start talking HTTP POST, we need to start caring about content-type.
In legacy mode, HTTP POST only supports 3 different content types.
- text/plain
- multipart/form-data
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
That doesn’t mean you can’t use other content-types, but it introduces a new “feature” that we’ll get to soon.
Bypassing CORS
There is a mode you can set…
But this is effectively the same as a HEAD request. It will correctly pass (.then) or fail (.catch) depending on the response code, but you can’t look at data.
Not very useful, ‘eh?
Preflights (i.e. the HTTP OPTIONS request)
To make matters worse, if you want to be modern and use an alternative content type (such as application/json
), you now need to handle OPTIONS headers.
That means JavaScript now does 2 HTTP requests per transaction. The first, an HTTP OPTIONS request, and if that succeeds, your actual requested request (HTTP GET, POST, PUT, etc).
This is the ideal case. If server handles these, then you can write optimal Fetch code.
Unfortunately if you PHP, the content type for the above is application/json
, which is routed to php://stdin and not the $_POST variables you may be used to.
Server Side CORS
Somehow you need to include CORS headers on your server. You can do this with Apache.
Or as part of the code that emits stuff.
If you only need basic CORS support (no cookies), you can be simple with your headers.
If you require cookies, you NEED to be specific about the origin.
If you are not specific about the origin, it will fail.
Fact, this fail case is the reason this post exists. Gawd. I spent way too long trying to diagnose this, with no really good references. I had to dig through the spec to find this line:
If credentials mode is “include”, then `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` cannot be `*`.
In hindsight, now that I knew what I was looking for, I did find a PHP example how to do it correctly.
Anyways, I think I’ve suffered through CORS enough now. Like always, this post is here so when I have to revisit the topic (uploads), I’ll know where to start (configure server to Allow-Origin: *
(i.e. readonly GET requests), but get specific in the PHP upload script so that credentials matter (PUT/POST)). (PS: I could stop hot-linking if Allow-Origin was specific to Jammer sites).