Hey! It’s more notes!

Orange Pi Lite is, IMO, the only difficult Orange Pi to get working. Primarily, because it has WiFi, and no Network socket.

For an OS, use Armbian. http://armbian.com

WARNING: the device will be unlit, no LEDs, until the OS image begins to boot. It could be half a minute before you see anything.

It can sometimes take a few tries to program the SD card correctly (either that or I’m using bad SD cards).

NOTE: Armbian will reboot a few times after first inserting a fresh memory card. You should wait a few minutes before you attempt to log in. When you see the red-light flashing, that means it’s about to reboot.

You’re going to need a way to view the console. Either by plugging in a mouse/keyboard/tv, or via a USB UART cable. UART pins are beside the USB ports. According to the image above, WHITE, GREEN, BLACK (TX, RX, GND). NEVER use the red (doesn’t provide enough power).

root password is 1234

Now for the work.

If you’re like me, you have a WPA2 protected WiFi network. I also hide my SSID, so there’s an extra step needed if you do that.

First, if you’re not already, become root.

It’ll save you a bunch of headaches, so again, become root. Don’t try to do this with sudo.

Generate a wpa_supplicant configuration.

Edit this file.

For security reasons, you may want to remove the line that shows your password.

If you use a hidden network, add a line “scan_ssid=1” to the network section. It should now look something like this:

Save and close the file. You can test the configuration like so.

If you wanted to manually connect to the internet, right now, you could do this.

To make this permanent, open up /etc/network/interfaces

Comment out or delete everything but the loopback. Your file should look something like this:

You can then restart networking.

And you should be on the internet now, and any time you reboot.

You can also now SSH in to it, and stop using your tv/mouse/keyboard. Hooray!



