Slightly off topic today. Well, if you’re expecting mystery iPhone game news that is.
The weekend ended up being a little more slack-tastic that I’d hoped. Ludum Dare 12 after all, which always keeps me busy.
With only a couple hours left, I decided I’d throw something together quickly. Well, those couple hours went very well.
With so little time, I obviously couldn’t make anything extravagant. What I ended up with was a game best described as “a game designed to piss you off“.
Set your speakers to a decent volume, and fire up Towlr.
NOTE: Do not play if you are seizure prone!
It’s short, but the game does flash.
Download: Windows, Linux (32bit), MacOS X (Intel)
Towlr is a puzzle. It can be solved. You will be scored.
Towlr is best experienced by sitting someone down in front of it, telling them to solve it, and letting them figure it out for themselves… which I’ll do here.
You’ll either be amused, or be left dazed/confused and possibly a little angry.
Have fun!