That’s right kids. It’s here. It’s begun. All that.

Why are we here?

Too Normal is my blog. Me, Mike, this questionably sane guy who makes games. Video games. That crazy amalgamation of visual and sonic goodness and a mighty tech chew. Too Normal is here to share my experience, observations and insight into what I do moving forward.

Who are you?

A “crazy” programmer with well over 5 years of commercial game programming experience, a dozen credits to my name, a history of programming and game development that goes back to when I measured my age with fingers, enough art skill that I get requests, a pair of credits doing voice acting (though I’m an awful actor), and several youthful years tracking music (this needs the most work). I also write for GameTunnel.

When do we start?

After all the years of crunching and giving up my time to game studios, I’m taking a break. In the next several weeks when my current project wraps up, I’m taking leave. That’s when the fun begins.

That’s it for now. This has been your introduction.